What is the shipping reconciliation process?Updated a year ago
Through our shipping reconciliation process you are charged the actual and exact shipping carrier costs. We do not make any money on shipping.
When you checkout, the shipping costs are an estimate. Additionally, they include your dropship fee. The actual shipping costs could be more or less than what the shopping cart estimates.
On a monthly basis, we will reconcile your actual shipping charges, and dropship fees against your shipping estimates paid and notify you by email. In the likely event you will be owed a refund, we'll issue account balance credit. In the event your actual shipping charges are higher, you will receive an email with the amount due. There will be a link at the top of your account to either collect your credit, or pay your balance due.
You will be unable to place new orders until you've paid the balance due.
When the shipping reconciliation is run, you will receive an email with a list of orders included. You can also download a copy here.